Hello all, my name is Jaehd (Jade) I am an artist and painter from Seattle, WA. I enjoy learning about the mystical side of life. I dabble in numerology, astrology, tarot; I also enjoy moon magick and candle magick. Eventually I would like to become a master in these things. I also like to garden and grow plants, as well as learning about and collecting crystals. You can find me on instagram @jvehdvh.bee and twitter @jvehdvhbee
About the meditation:
I use this meditation when I feel unbalanced, when I’m in need of opening/balancing my chakras, or before spellwork. Usually I will ask myself questions and talk to myself about possible reasons that my chakras could be blocked; trying to unblock them by talking through it. When activating and unblocking all the chakras I notice when focusing on them one by one they tingle in the spots of the body mentioned, this might not happen with everyone, but I thought I’d mention it.
The meditation:
I start from the root chakra and work my way up. I imagine the root chakra at my feet. I try to focus on all things associated with the root chakra: grounding, a deep red, feeling connected with the earth, stability and security. While focusing on this I then imagine it glowing red and also imagine roots growing from me deep into the earth. Going layer by layer through the levels of the Earth. When I feel the chakra is glowing bright and open I move on to the next.
With the next chakra, the sacral chakra, I imagine my lower abdomen (I always picture this one where your womb/uterus would be, but if you have different reproductive organs, then this would be below your belly button but above your genitals) glowing a bright orange. I imagine creativity and sensuality flowing with ease. When this one feels unlocked, flowing, and glowing it’s time to move onto the solar plexus chakra.
The solar plexus chakra is located in the middle of your abdomen. This chakra is yellow and has to do with self love, energy, confidence and power. I imagine this chakra glowing bright yellow and give myself some positive, loving self talk, until I feel it’s open enough; then onto the heart chakra.
The fourth chakra is the heart chakra, located in the middle of your chest or about where your heart is found. With this one I imagine it glowing a bright green, and think of love and happiness, compassion and acceptance of self as well as all things. Once this one feels to be open and ready I move onto the fifth chakra.
This is the throat chakra, this one is located in the middle of the throat; it glows blue and has to do with your communication and self-expression. With this one I tell myself that my throat chakra is open and my communication is flowing with ease, unrestricted by self and the thoughts that others may have when communicating. Once I feel this one is glowing and unblocked I move on.
The second to last chakra is the third eye chakra, located between your brows. This one glows an indigo color and has to do with our intuition and perception of things. I imagine it glowing a bright indigo, and tell myself that my intuition is keen heightened and open to the truth.
Last chakra is the crown chakra; this one radiates at the top of the head and goes out about half a foot out in all directions around the head. We want this one to glow a nice purple. This one has to do with spirit and the universe as well as knowing.
May this balance that you now feel extend far greater than your body and auric field. And so it is.