Protection Vials for the Home by Nicole M

Hello fellow witches! My name is Nicole. I am a witch, starseed, and Reiki practitioner. I offer biweekly and monthly Reiki healing sessions via my Patreon page [The Esoteric Human]. Connect with me on IG @theesoterichuman.

To be performed on a Saturday: 

Our home is sacred - it is an energy that protects us and shelters us. This spell will help you give back to your home by increasing its spiritual protection and repelling negative energy. If, after performing this spell, you soon notice folks no longer want to come visit you in your home – you can presume why.

Below you will notice an emphasis of the number 4 - this was intentional as 4 represents stability and strength.


Fun Fact – You can do this for your car too.


Materials Needed:

·         5 each 2-inch glass vials

·         4 pinches of lemon grass [for protection of the home]

·         4 pinches of sea salt [for protection of the home]

·         4 pinches of rosemary [to bless the home]

·         4 pinches of thyme [to invoke courage within the home]

·         4 pinches of Dill [to attract protection to the home]

·         4 small pieces of Onyx crystal

·         4 small pieces of Citrine crystal

·         4 small pieces of Tigers Eye crystal

·         Almond oil [for luck]

·         Purified Water

·         Florida Water [for cleansing]

·         Black Pen [to draw you circle and sigil]

·         White Paper with a cup sized circle drawn onto it

·         Protection intention. E.g. My home is always protected.

·         417 hz Solfeggio Frequency – known to cleanse and wipe out negative energy

·         5 tea light candles

·         Incense of your choice

·         Bowl to combine a small amount of purified water with Florida water

·         Funnel or Dropper



1.       Play 417 HZ Solfeggio Frequency [can be found via YouTube]

2.       Create a sigil from your protection intention by crossing out all vowels and repeat consonants. Then intuitively draw each letter within the circle on your white piece of paper, ensure each letter touches another letter in some way.

3.       Place sigil to the side, light a tea light candle and place it on top of the sigil to activate it.

4.       Cleanse each vial with the incense stick.

5.       Take each glass vial and add the onyx, citrine, tigers eye, sea salt, lemon grass, dill, thyme, and rosemary – in this order.

6.       Speak and blow your intention into the vial.

7.       Fill vial half way with almond oil.

8.       In your bowl, mix a bit of purified water with Florida Water then fill the rest of the bottle.

9.       Speak and blow your intentions into the vial before sealing. Do not open once sealed.

10.   Place vials around the center candle that is on your sigil.

11.   Place the remaining four tea light candles around the vials, ensuring everything is on top of the sigil.

12.   After the candles are done burning it is time to place 4 vials at each corner of your home. You may also bury them at each corner of the land your home sits on, if practical.

13.   The 5th vial is to remain on your alter inside your home. Place the sigil underneath the 5th vial.

14.   If, at some point, you feel the bottles need to be reactivated. Place 5 tea light candles on the sigil – surrounding the 5th vial. This will reactive the 4 bottles you placed at each corner of you home.

Tag me in your recreation of this spell via Instagram @theesoterichuman! 

Love Ya!
