Make a Wish! by Amber The Harvest Moon Witch

Amber-The Harvest Moon Witch

This spell came out of nowhere. I did not prepare for it, I did not think about it before I performed it, it just came to me in the spur of the moment. I was getting ready for a date I had with someone who I had hoped would want to make a commitment with me. I got ready a little earlier than expected and that's when this energy overwhelmed me. During this time in my life I was struggling with a lot of self love issues. I believed I would be happy once this person called me their own. This is not true. Love comes from within. Granted though, everything I wished for when I performed this spell came true. I tell you this with the utmost caution, be careful what you wish for.

Initially, I created this wish for someone who wants a long term partner. If you wish for that, then go for it. Again though, be careful for what you wish for, because things don't always turn out like you want them to. I truly believe that the universe will provide us with what we desire in life, and if we focus on one specific person we get in the way of that. Granted though, all life's moments are full of lessons so who is to say that we aren't supposed to get in the way of destiny sometimes. We are allowed to create our own fate, so do as you wish. I will be writing word for word what I wrote in my mirror journal so you can get the full picture of the spell.

This spell/wish is for some kind of love you want to draw into your life. Here are the ingredients you will need:

1. Essential Oils

-3 drops of Lavender

-5 drops of Patchouli

-2 drops of Frankincense

-1 drop of Cedarwood

2. Moon Water from the previous Full Moon (make sure your Moon Water is as fresh as possible. If you feel a certain phase of the moon is important then please use that. I personally used Moon Water from the Harvest Full Moon)

3. Small Mason Jar

4. 1 Dried Rose (preferably purple or red)

5. 1 Dried Poppy Flower *remove flower from the inside* (Super important ingredient!)

6. Small Piece of Paper


1. Lay out your ingredients on a table

2. Peel the Rose Petals from the rose and begin to place them into the jar. Think of your love intentions as you are doing this. What you wish to gain. What you hope for. What you hope you will get a chance to say (if you are manifesting a specific person)

3. Add the Moon Water and Essential Oils in the jar

4. Stir in a clockwise motion and imagine white light surrounding the mixture

5. Write down your wish you want on the piece of paper. For example, "I wish for someone who I have fun with, someone who will always be there for me, a best friend, a lover, advice giver, challenges me, is affectionate, real love. (This next part is where I get specific without being too specific) I want someone who I already have feelings for, to chase me down, tell me how they really feel about me and the feelings will be mutual."

6. Roll it up, place it inside the poppy, then place the poppy inside the mixture

7. Seal shut and place where you can always see it until your wish comes true.

During our date, I discovered that he did chase me down on Facebook. He told me how he really felt, and I felt the same way. All those other things I mentioned were just part of the package. He began to show me what real love looks like, but still something was missing. Ten days later I wrote this in my mirror journal: "My wish came true. Every single part of it. I would think I would be more happy, or happier longer than I currently am. My mind is playing tricks on me at the moment. My wish is just what I wanted in the present moment. My wish was not as clear as it should have been. That is the problem with wishes. In the back of my mind I intentionally left it that way because I wanted so desperately to come true. I also didn't believe I could truly get what I wanted. This self loving process is a hard road but I'm not giving up."