Money Ritual by Jaehd

Hello all, my name is Jaehd (Jade) I am an artist and painter from Seattle, WA. I enjoy learning about the mystical side of life. I dabble in numerology, astrology, tarot; I also enjoy moon magick and candle magick. Eventually I would like to become a master in these things. I also like to garden and grow plants, as well as learn about and collect crystals. You can find me on instagram @jvehdvh.bee and twitter @jvehdvhbee

About the money ritual spell:

I have used this ritual in times where I want to bring more money in, and I successfully did just that. I ended up getting a promotion, and got a decent amount of money coming my way every week. Then got another promotion and ended up with even more money all within the span of a few months. I would say before any spell work or ritual, meditation is always good to clear the mind and get focused on the intention(s) at hand. Also note to trust and follow your intuition to best tailor ithe spell and ritual to you. 

Before the spell: 

Gather your ingredients. Meditate and clear your mind focusing on the intention(s). 

Ingredients used:

1 green candle (preferably a chime candle)

1 orange candle (preferably a chime candle)

Coconut oil

Lavender (dried or from garden) 



Rosemary (dried or from garden)



Ground sage






Pink salt 

Ingredient background information: 

Green candle- for abundance, prosperity and/or money

Orange candle- to bring success/ improve success rates

Lavender- intuition, purification, concentration, creativity, self expression, and grounding

Basil- for attracting: luck, prosperity, career/job, success and divination

Oregano- luck, prosperity, protection, psychic abilities

Rosemary- success, protection

Ginger- quick success, money, power, clarity, grounding 

Rose- increases psychic knowledge and intuition, 

Ground sage- purification, protection

Cloves- protection, attracts prosperity and friendship 

Process of how everything is used:

Okay so beware this method has a lot of fire and burning, too. So, I usually do this on a new moon and normally do an herb blend as well as burning the two candles. There are times where I have burned the candles together and also times where I have burned them separately . 

However, the first thing that I do is meditate, clear the mind and focus on the intention(s). After getting a good meditation going, I would then choose the herbs and dress the candles with said herbs and oil. Depending on how many herbs are left after dressing the candle I will pour them and some oil into my cauldron or a fire safe container.

Dressing a candle helps to put your intention into the candle. Combining herbs that hold specific properties along with choosing the right color and setting your intentions while dressing the candle is where all the magick truly happens because you are loading it with all this focused and intended energy. (Note: dress the candle clockwise to bring something in and counter clockwise to get rid of something- keep this in mind not just for dressing candles but other things too). 

After meditation, and when the candles are dressed and the cauldron is filled with herbs, I would begin the ritual. I would light my candles and then read my intentions to the new moon/night sky. This puts your intentions into the universe. While the intention is burning I would put the paper with your intentions written into the cauldron with the herbs to burn and while it’s still lit and burning the paper, drop a few drops of candle wax from both candles into the flame.

In my mind this also helps align your intent fully, by bringing your written and spoken words together with the ingredients that were used to dress the candles, as well as the candle wax (color) that you chose. After doing this I would then allow the candles and the cauldron to burn out, however you don’t have to allow the cauldron to burn out you can put it out with water or snuff the flame out because it tends to burn for a long time; I’ve noticed that it comes to fruition faster if you allow it to burn out naturally and watch the flames.

The flames can also tell you how well your spell will work. A strong flame means strength and manifestation. A weak flame means there is opposition and that your spell might not come to fruition. Consistent flickering/jumping flames means that there is raw emotion and high energy at play. If the candle is strong with occasional flickering/jumping this means that your guides are trying to clear obstacles for you. 

After both candles and the cauldron burn out I usually mix the remnants of the candle in with the cauldron ashes, sometimes I’d let it sit in the moonlight and sun for a day or two (and because I live in Seattle, WA sometimes it would rain and mix in with it, then I’d use that and water my plants with it) other time I would bury it in the yard or with my plants so it can grow with them. This part is really up to you on how you like to dispose of spell work. Burying the remains in the backyard is to maintain what you have, and burying in the front yard is to bring in. You can even blow your ashes into the air to release to the universe.