New moons are a time for new beginnings and setting intentions, and every zodiac sign has a different energy, so knowing what the planets are doing at the time of the new moon can help level up your intention setting and guarantee it coming to fruition!
During a new moon the sun and moon align perfectly, which makes the moon seem to disappear (or look like a tiny toe nail clipping in the sky). This is because the sun is not able to shine light onto the moon, but as the days and nights inch toward the return of the full moon it will grow brighter and brighter. This is why we use new moons to set our intention for the next 4 weeks, because as the moon grows so does our intention.
Click here to learn more about how to work with the moon
Pisces energy
Pisces is the sign of spiritual healing, being the opposite to Virgo the practical healer. Things like divination, intuition, and psychic abilities all fall under Pisces domain. But this water sign is also related to liminal spaces and fantasies, so things like movies and TV, as well as prisons-places where we experience an alternative reality-exist under this zodiac sign.
Due to Pisces connection to intuition this is also a creative sign, which is probably why so many famous musicians and painters have prominent Pisces placements. Pisces energy is good for connecting to other people on an emotional level, but also for seeing past the limitations of concrete reality. So there is a great vision and creative force behind every pisces new moon!
New Moon in Pisces
This new moon in Pisces will be at 12°06’ at 9:34 am PST (5:34 pm UT) on March 2nd, so it’s best to work with it on Tuesday the 1st, Wednesday the 2nd or Thursday the 3rd. The energy of the new moon will be potent a day before and a day after it was exact (which makes it so much easier to plan your rituals around your life).
The most exciting thing about this new moon is that the sun and moon will be in a sextile to Uranus! Uranus is the planet of rapid change, revolution and our duty to help humanity evolve. A sextile is a type of aspect, it means that the planets are 60° from one another. This is a positive aspect signifying that the planets are working together towards a common goal.
The common goal that these planets are working towards is to change your life in a big way! So this Pisces new moon is especially potent for ushering in big upheavals in your life, especially in the area of your chart that the new moon will be taking place in; to understand this you’ll want to know where 12° Pisces sits in your chart (AKA which house it’s in).
For all of March and most of April all of the planets will be direct and moving forward at a steady pace. This means that the energy is flowing, so if you want to see something move forward with a similar pace and grace, use this new moon to plant the seed.
Most of the planets, aside from Mercury, Saturn and Chiron, will be in earth and water signs during this lunation. So, the energy right now lends itself towards internal action, that is to say that the big changes that can happen in your life this month need to first come from inside of yourself.
If you want to land a new job you first have to knock down your imposter syndrome, if you want to call in new friends or lovers you first need to pour a lot of love onto yourself, if you want to move across the country you first need to break down the fears you’re holding around it. Big internal changes help us to quickly and easily open ourselves up to the external changes we are wishing to see in our lives.
I mentioned before that Mercury and Saturn are two of the only planets that won’t be in an earth or water sign during the Pisces new moon, that’s because they’ll both be in Aquarius and exactly conjunct (meaning that they are at the same degree in the same sign) which is the most intensely felt aspect in astrology! Aquarius is an air sign that is all about the collective consciousness, the momentum of humanity, unique ideas, and staying true to your identity. With Mercury ruling over thinking and communicating, and Saturn ruling over responsibilities and planning, this conjunction is a sign that what you set in motion under the new moon will have the support of a solid, unique, and clearly communicated game plan.
We’ll also have Venus, Mars and Pluto tangled up in one another between 26° and 28° Capricorn at the time of the full moon. Capricorn is the zodiac sign that represents achievement and working towards far off goals. Venus is the planet of what we find valuable, Mars shows us where we are more easily able to use our energy and instincts, and Pluto is the planet of transformation and truth. When these three get together in hardworking Capricorn it’s all about making serious, long term investments, so look to this area of your chart to see where you should be investing your time, money and energy under this new moon.
This is also the third and final time Venus will be conjunct with Pluto since December 2021. The first conjunction took place on December 11th and the second one was on December 25th when Venus was retrograde. So think back to the investments you were making in December to get a clearer picture of where you will be focusing your time and energy under this new moon. The third conjunction usually represents a wrapping up of what took place under the first two conjunctions, so expect some themes from December to return to your life and reach a conclusion.
Now What?
To best work with this moon you should run a transit chart to see where all these important players will be in your chart at the time of the lunation. Click here to run your transit chart.
Pisces new moons are good for setting intentions around creativity, as well as healing and opening up your psychic abilities. Working with tarot cards, pendulums and scrying are all good ways to start this lunar month journey.
To set your intention remember that Uranus is involved, so ask the universe to open you up to big, easy changes and it will respond quickly! Knowing that Saturn and Mercury will be so close to one another, write out a game plan for your intention-it’s likely to change a bit during the rest of the lunar month, but it’s good to get it all written down now. And with Venus, Mars and Pluto all hanging out together, know that your intention will likely require a big investment and a lot of energy from you.
With all the planets direct this Pisces season your intention is sure to come into your life easily and swiftly, so don’t miss out on working with the epic magick of this moon! And if you want to learn more about how to make the most of your new moon rituals click here.